Tuesday 26 May 2009


So these are all of my final images; Three A3 sheets, each with 3 images on, and three single A3 images. If I were to exhibit these images I would present them as groups of 3, so the prints in my portfolio are an example of what I would do, just to show people how it looks. For each of them I wanted to include 2 closeups on the outsides and then 1 full body image in the middle. I feel that doing it this way helped balance the print out, and it gave a full view of the situation and how the people were reacting.

The image above I feel works really well, and from it you get a real sense that he is feeling uneasy, and in particular the far right picture just adds to that feeling of despair in an almost over the top way...yet it seems to work.

I think that with this image the middle picture really makes it complete. If you look at the two outside pictures you get a sense that she is looking around uncomfortably and then with the middle image, the full body shot, it almost puts the others in context, and we see how awkward she looks.

This image works really well, and here I think with these three pictures there is a real sense of unease about the situation, and that she is genuinely uncomfortable with where she is. These moments in time, these frames really show the atmosphere of the situation.

Of course these three images above are my 3 A3 prints to go alongside the other 3 images.

I feel that as a series of six in total they work really well, and with one large print next to every smaller set they really compliment each other, and the larger ones really emphasize the unease of the situation. The colours in each set are different, however I feel they still flow well, and that slight change in backdrop and composition from picture to picture makes them work better.

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